Application for the National Inventory of Living Heritage 2019
The National Inventory will be updated regularly and the next opportunity to submit applications is from the 4th of November to 5th of December 2019. In 2017 The Ministry of Education and Culture nominated the first 52 elements into the National Inventory of Living Heritage. It is possible for elements in the National Inventory to be later nominated for inclusion in UNESCO's International Lists of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
The selection of an element into the National Inventory of Living Heritage is a recognition to the communities that work with the traditions. The inclusion in the Inventory makes the traditions more visible than before. At the same time, it brings them one step closer to being recognised internationally. New societies, associations and institutions are now encouraged to apply for the National Inventory.
The Wiki-inventory for Living Heritage and the National Inventory include the following categories: Festivities and practices; Performing arts; Music and dance; Oral traditions; Crafts; Food traditions, Games and playing; Nature and the universe. Proposals for living heritage from these or other topics, or from a combination of topics, can be included in the National Inventory.
The UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage was adopted in 2003, and Finland signed the Convention in 2013. The Finnish Heritage Agency is responsible for the implementation of the Convention in Finland. The UNESCO convention also includes creating an inventory of intangible cultural heritage at the national and international levels. The National Inventory is based on the Wiki-inventory for Living Heritage to which elements can be submitted at any time. The Wiki-inventory already includes 150 articles submitted by over 220 communities.
The National Inventory of Living Heritage is based on the proposals of the Finnish Heritage Agency and the advisory group on intangible cultural heritage. Also, Communities and NGO’s in the various fields of ICH will be evaluating the proposals.
Later, it is possible for elements in the National Inventory to be nominated for inclusion in UNESCO's International Lists of Intangible Cultural Heritage. The Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture decides which elements are to be submitted to UNESCO, based on suggestions from the communities. The first submissions will be about sauna culture in Finland and Kaustinen fiddle playing.
Applications for the National Inventory of Living Heritage can be submitted between the 4th of November and the 5th of December 2019 at https://wiki.aineetonkulttuuri...
For more information, please contact:
Leena Marsio, The Finnish Heritage Agency, leena.marsio(at)museovirasto.fi, tel. +358 (0)295 33 6017
Mirva Mattila, Ministry of Education and Culture, mirva.mattila(at)minedu.fi, tel. +358295 33 0269
- Wiki-inventory for Living Heritage https://wiki.aineetonkulttuuri...
- Information on the implementation of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Finland can be found at https://www.aineetonkulttuurip...
- The international UNESCO lists of intangible cultural heritage (The Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity; The List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding) https://ich.unesco.org/en/purp...