The Finnish Heritage Agency publishes literature on themes such as archaeology, built heritage, artefact and cultural history, and the exhibitions and collections of the National Museum. The publications are aimed at readers who are interested in history and cultural heritage, and they help to make work in these fields better-known.
Publication sales
The publications are on sale at the museum shop of the National Museum of Finland (Mannerheimintie 34, Helsinki).
Publications can also be ordered by post. Send order to: Finnish Heritage Agency, Publications, P.O. BOX 913, FIN-00101 Helsinki, FINLAND or by e-mail to: kirjatilaus@kansallismuseo.fi
Packing costs and postages are to be added to the prices.
service coordinator Eija Putkonen, tel. +358 295 33 6465, eija.putkonen@kansallismuseo.fi