The Finnish Heritage Agency Library is a research library open to all, specialising in cultural heritage.
We provide information on archaeology and history, ethnology and museology, building preservation, restoration and conservation as well as art history and the history of artefacts.
You can borrow material from the library with a Helka card. Borrowing e-books requires you to log into the service in the Finnish Heritage Agency Library. The library’s materials are included in the Helka collection database.
The library is a self-service library, but services are available from the library, picture collections and archive’s joint Customer Service desk, as well as by reserving an appointment with library staff.
The Finnish Heritage Agency library is closing for relocation December 20th 2024
After the library is closed all loans will have a new due date (June 3rd, 2025). Loans can be returned to the returns box outside of the building, under the main stairwell, until the beginning of June 2025.