An international seminar brings together communities and experts in the field of intangible cultural heritage from the Nordic and Baltic countries
First Nordic seminar “Living heritage in the Nordic countries” brings actors together for a conference in Hanaholmen - the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre from 31st October to 2nd November 2019. Participants are invited from all of the Nordic and Baltic countries to discuss about safeguarding, joint projects and sharing good practices. Special emphasis is in the role of communities and NGO’s in this work.
The UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage has already been ratified by 178 countries that shows the willingness to act together for the safeguarding of living heritage. All the Nordic countries have ratified the Convention and cooperation across borders flourishes actively on versatile levels. First nominations to the UNESCO’s international lists of intangible heritage from the Nordic countries are on their way or have been subscribed.
Living heritage is a timely topic gaining awareness all over the world. In the era of global crises, where political instability, cultural alienation as well as political, religious and ideological extremism continue gaining validity, the seminar aims to tackle issues of sustainable development, social cohesion and cultural diversity within a context of cross-sectorial expertise.
The conference will consist of keynotes from all Nordic countries: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, including Greenland, Faroe Islands and Åland as well as from the Baltic countries. The presentations will highlight experiences in different fields of intangible heritage: performing arts, crafts, oral heritage, nature and social events. Several workshops will be held to give the participants room to interact with each other, learn together and to promote Nordic cooperation. On the third day the Arts Promotion Centre Finland facilitates a World Saving Clinic with the conference participants.
The conference is free of charge. The program is targeted at anyone and everyone working with intangible heritage: practitioners, NGO’s, civil servants, researchers, museums professionals, etc. The seminar language is English.
The seminar is organized by the Finnish Heritage Agency in co-operation with the Ministry of Education and Culture, Hanaholmen - the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre, Arts Promotion Centre Finland, the Finnish National Commission for UNESCO and the Royal Norwegian Embassy.
Conference program and registration to the seminar (before 9th November) https://www.hanaholmen.fi/even...
More information:
Leena Marsio, Finnish Heritage Agency, leena.marsio@museovirasto.fi, +358 295 33 6017 https://www.aineetonkulttuurip...
Jaana Tamminen, Hanaholmen – the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre, jaana.tamminen@hanaholmen.fi, +358 40 54 54 972 e https://www.hanaholmen.fi/en/