Nationally significant archaeological sites VARK
The Finnish Heritage Agency has done an inventory of archaeological sites of national importance. The project has identified the most important archaeological sites in mainland Finland. It was approved by the Goverment as an inventory for the purposes of the National Spatial Development Goals based on the Land Use and Building Act on 7 November 2024.
The aim has been to create a selection of sites that gives as good a picture as possible of Finland's antiquities, excluding the province of Åland.
The evaluation and selection has been based on the information contained in the Muinaisjäännösrekisteri (Register of Antiquitues). Field inspections have only been carried out on sites where the information was either inaccurate or out of date.
More detailed delineations of the sites are best seen on the maps in the Cultural Environment Service Window at www.kyppi.fi (in Finnish and Swedish)
Selection criteria
VARK sites provide an impression of Finnish archaeological cultural heritage that is comprehensive both historically and regionally as well as in terms of monument types. The assessment of the sites focuses on examining the archaeological or cultural and historical significance of each site, i.e. how well the site depicts the phenomena, processes and events associated with its time period.
The assessment will also involve determining how well the site had been preserved, its value in terms of research and whether the site is particularly characteristic or rare for the region or at the national level. Additionally, the assessment will include an evaluation of the site’s archaeological diversity and its environment and landscape.
Goals of the inventory
The goal is to prepare a list that the Finnish Government can approve as the inventory referred to in the national land use guidelines based on the Land Use and Building Act.
The inventory sites must be acknowledged as one of the starting points of land use planning.
The aim is to prepare a compendium that provides as good an overview as possible of the antiquity of Finland’s land areas (excluding the province of Åland).
The assessment and selection of sites will be carried out based on information in the Ancient Relics Register. As part of the inventory, terrain inspections have been carried out on sites with outdated or inaccurate data.
Implementation of the inventory
The main responsibility for the inventory has been with the National Board of Antiquities, and it has been carried out in cooperation with the regional museums in charge of cultural environment tasks and Metsähallitus.
The steering group has also included the Association of Local Authorities, the University of Helsinki, the Finnish Archaeological Society, the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of the Environment. The inventory has been carried out during 2018-2024.
The inventory covers the whole of Finland, with the exception of the province of Åland, where the inventory is carried out in accordance with the Provincial Self-Government Act (1144/1991) and the Provincial Acts.