Built cultural heritage sites of national significance

Nationally significant built cultural heritage sites are located around the country. In this inventory the number of cultural environments exceeds 1200.

Based on a Government decision, the inventory of the built cultural environment conducted by the Finnish Heritage Agency has been included among the national land-use objective inventories defined in the Land-Use and Building Act. The inventory sites must form the foundation for the land-use planning.

The Finnish Heritage Agency prepared the inventory by consulting municipalities, regional environment centres, regional museums and the Regional Councils. The inventory and the related additional information and links have been published online at www.rky.fi (in Finnish) and www.kulturmiljo.fi (in Swedish).

The aim is to protect the structure and village or town image of the nationally significant built cultural environments and to preserve the existing buildings and environments in these areas. Furthermore, the aim is to adjust any new constructions and other alterations to the special characteristics and features of their cultural environment. The scope and content of the preservation and alterations are determined by land use plans on all levels.

The regional museums and the Cultural Environment Services of the Finnish Heritage Agency manage the expert and administrative duties pertaining to the sites of national significance.